New Patient Information

Welcome to the Signature Dental Family!


The healing process begins immediately after a tooth is extracted, as the body sends blood to nourish the tooth socket. The blood clot soon forms, and acts as a framework for the later growth of new bone and new gum tissue in the area of the extraction. As the normal inflammatory process continues, some soreness and swelling can be expected.

  1. Apply direct pressure to the area for thirty minutes (30mins), by firmly biting on a folded gauze pad, as a way of controlling the initial bleeding.
  2. DO NOT RINSE, SPIT OR DRINK THROUGH A STRAW FOR THE FIRST 24 HOURS. You do not want to dislodge the blood clot. Do not rinse with any commercial mouth washes such as Listerine or scope!
  3. Rinsing with warm salt water, two (2) times a day, starting 24 hours after the extraction, will help to keep the area clean and reduce the soreness.
  4. Do not put your fingers or tongue in the area.
  5. If swelling occurs apply ice packs to your face on the side of the extraction, do not put the ice pack or ice inside the mouth! This can be effective for the first 24 – 36 hours.
  6. Avoid eating hard food such as bones and candies. Things like popcorn kernels and hard food debris can easily “get stuck” in the socket.
  7. A soft diet for the first few days after extraction will help to minimize irritation to the site. Also, drink plenty of fluids for the first few days.
  8. Take pain reducing medication as needed. Also, if you are given a prescription for an antibiotic, be sure to take it as directed, for the full number of days prescribed.
  9. Do not smoke for at least 24 hours after an extraction. Smoking will interfere with early healing, cause persistent bleeding, and can cause infection and other problems.
  10. Do not brush your teeth in the immediate area of the extraction for the first 24 hours. Then, be a little gentle for the first few days to avoid trauma to the area. Of course, it’s very important to brush and floss normally everywhere else, and keep your mouth as clean as possible.

If there are any questions, concerns, or problems, please call our office as soon as possible!

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To request an appointment, please either call us or fill out the form below and a member of our staff will contact you.